Friday, January 27, 2012

How go I get rid of aphids and white flies from my tomato plants?

Only answer if you really know, please.

How go I get rid of aphids and white flies from my tomato plants?
There are several things you can do...I agree do not use tobacco spray on your plants. Tobacco may carry a disease called Mosaic virus, it is lethal especially to tomatoes. although most tomatoes sold today are disease resistant nothing is 100%

Seven is very good for chewing pests but not so good for sucking.

Soapy water works well if you are not infested too bad.There is a soap called Safer soap made up of fatty acids that will kill aphids and others. It is safe to use and depending on which brand usually can be used the same day of harvest.It also will not harm your beneficial insects.

Diazinon,Malthion (toxic to bees),Summer oils, Thiodan, are some insecticides that are effective. as always read the label and follow instructions on the time you can use and you can harvest.

I prefer beneficial insects, ( first choice bugs second choice safer soap)ladybugs, lacewings, preying mantis, you can purchase these at most garden centers. If you infestation is beyond that use one of the other measures until you have them under control than you can rely on your beneficial insects.

A hard spray with the garden hose as you water getting both sides of the leaves, helps a great deal. As do birds, if you have not already You might want to invite them to your garden area. A bird feeder near by will call them in.

White flies can be easily rid by placing a flypaper strip( that yellow sticky stuff) on a stake near by you plants.

Happy gardening and God Bless

Reply:seven-5 is a great product on the market get the 5lb. bag and just sprinkle it on your plants and vegtables. you can find it at home depot,menards,etc..
Reply:Two natural remedies I have used successfully against whitefly and aphid are tobacco tea, and DE.

Tobacco tea (if there is a smoker around) is simply a handful of cigarette butts in about a cup of hot water, a Tablespoon of soap, a Tablespoon of Epsom Salts. Once that soaks for about an hour, add about a quart of water, strain the mixture, and put in a spray bottle. Spray on your tomato plants early (before the heat of the day) to avoid burning them in the heat.

DE is diatomaceous earth, a naturally occuring substance harvested from the floor of the ocean. It's action is that the insects ingest it as they are crawling on your plants, and it cuts them to shards on the inside. They die.

De is available many places, but I got mine from Lowe's for about $8 a bag...lasts a long time. Get you a little ketchup squirt bottle type thing from the dollar store, and fill it with the DE powder. Simply *poof* it on the plants, making sure you get the under sides of the leaves.

Both of these remedies will take more than one application, and if it rains, do it again.
Reply:there are a number of sprays on the market that will take care of this problem. OR make your own spray, place tobacco in boiling water let it set 1 hour, strain into a spray bottle, add a few drops of dish soap, spray your vines, be sure to lift and spray the under side of the leafs as well!

good luck
Reply:I'd recommend using an insect spray for tomato plants from a well-known company like Ortho. Seven Dust could work, but it's been used for years and years and some bugs have become resistant to it.

I don't recommend using the tobacco spray on your tomato plants there are diseases that tobacco plants carry that the tobacco could give to your tomato plants. That's why it's also not a good idea to have people smoke around your tomato plants, especially if you are a tomato farmer.

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