Friday, January 27, 2012

I want to use bamboo for my garden to support tomato plants. what kind of bamboo can i grow on LONG ISLAND NY?

i have seen two kinds i like that are listed as the 'running variety'. one is black and the other gray. can i grow these here too?

I want to use bamboo for my garden to support tomato plants. what kind of bamboo can i grow on LONG ISLAND NY?
yes you can grow most running bamboo in long island.

black bamboo is great and wil be evergreen in your area.

they do grow fast and mulitiply so bamboo may not be able to hold a tomato
Reply:Personally, I WOULD NOT grow bamboo.It is a pernicious plant and once you plant it, it will spread all across your yard, and it is incredibly hard to get rid of. for a year or two, you could grow tomatoes, but after that, the plants will be too thick and too tall. you can get all sorts of things to grow tomatoes on, but bamboo is not a good choice.
Reply:First off I would not recommend growing bamboo. It is

a garden 'thug'. By this I mean it grows like crazy and

will take over your garden in no time flat. You will have a

heck of a job getting rid of it. It needs warmth and water and then it will grow and nothing can hold it back. You are far

better off to use the cheap wire towers you can buy at

the garden store for a couple of bucks. They are much stronger than the new bamboo would be and you can use them for years plus you don't have to dig them out of the garden!!
Reply:Bamboo is a non-native and very invasive plant. Its roots can dig FOUR FEET DEEP to get around barriers and have been found sprouting in neighbors' yards.

You may intend to plant it in one location but within two-three years your entire yard will be an ugly bamboo jungle.

Why not just use dead bamboo for your tomatoes?
Reply:Hope you know that babmoo spreads like wild fire. Go to a garden center and get the kind that is alread dried.

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