Friday, January 27, 2012

What is the best time of year to plant tomato plants,i live in the Tampa Bay Fl.area?

Martha is right... living in Florida tomato %26amp; vegetable planting is done around the end of October, November in order to yield the harvest around January %26amp; February... As you know by the month of March the temperature can be too hot for these plants so make sure the area you will be choosing get some shade in the afternoon.

What is the best time of year to plant tomato plants,i live in the Tampa Bay Fl.area?
I also live in Tampa and have a tomato plant on the porch right now. As previous posters suggested for us below-the-frostbelt types the time to plant tomatoes is a couple months ago. Tomatoes won't set fruit if the evening temperature is too warm (evening temps above 70-72 reduce the amount of fruit that will form regardless of how many blossoms flower) so if you do want to plant them now, keep them in containers and bring them in at night once it gets warm. Cherry and grape tomatoes set fruit earlier than larger varieties so stick with those and you'll get tomatoes before the summer heat sets in.
Reply:It is the same as everywhere you plant them in mid to late spring. Then harvest them when they are ready the last you will havest is early fall
Reply:on my visits to florida around wpb, i bought tomatos fully ripened from farm stands in late january, early feb. so, going backwards it would be october or november, depending on the variety. the garden centers will be selling them when its near the planting date.

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