Monday, January 30, 2012

Is it true tomato plants have more tobacco than actual tobacco plants?

Please help, ASAP!

Is it true tomato plants have more tobacco than actual tobacco plants?
no i think a tobacco plant is a tobacco plant and a tomato plant is a tomato plant. If you mean nicotine then yes a tomato plant has nicotine but not as much as a tobacco plant. Nicotine is a natural insecticide. people used to soak chewing tobacco in a gallon or two of water and spray their garden plants with it. Did you know a tomato is a fruit?
Reply:from what ive read tobacco and tomato plants have alot in common in the root systems and things like that but actual tobacco? i would say no to that
Reply:Well tobacco and tomato are both classified under the same family-solanaceae.Hence they are bound to have certain similarities.

Plants of this family are charecterised by the presence of alkaloids,these are nitrogenous and physiologically active compounds.

Even though they belong to the same family,they are still classified under seperate genera.Hence both retain their individual charecteristic.Tomato may have certain alkaloids like tobacco but may be in lower quantity,

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