Friday, January 27, 2012

I already waited past the due date, and my tomato plants have not gotten bigger and have not got fruit, HELP!?

I always put them in the sun, and always water them on time, and I use fertilizers. I have three plants in a three foot by one, mobile garden box., I bought already partially grown plants, and transplanted them. The label said they would mature in 54 days. Now its been like 2.5 months. WHAT do I do???? Whats WRONG???

I already waited past the due date, and my tomato plants have not gotten bigger and have not got fruit, HELP!?
I let mine suffer Tomatoes from what I understand do not like alot of ferilizer.Actually I dont use alot the only thing I use is Gro Mores- Maxi Cal10-0-0 this is for blossom end rot. Thats all I use cuz mine are in pots and all the nutrients are leeched out, resulting in a tomatoe with a brown bottom.When is on time? If they are super green then the fertilizer is making a nice green plant that is growing too quick. Someone could have switched the tags on the tomatoe too. So my advice would be to let it wilt a little before you water it and stop your fertilizer.Once you neglect it one day youll see some tomaters on there.Also watch your water cuz if you over do it your blossoms will fall off resulting in no fruit. The best of luck to you.....

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