Monday, January 30, 2012

What is a good,safe fertilizer for new tomato plants?

Miracle grow for tomatoes. Although be careful with anything else, so you don't burn them up.

What is a good,safe fertilizer for new tomato plants?
Both of the above answers contain high nitrogen and are not good for Tomato Plants. You will get a lot of foliage and almost no Tomatoes to eat.

Tomato Plants require a fertilizer low in Nitrogen, high in Phosphorous and Potassium. Go to the garden store and look for a fertilizer labled 5-13-13. That stands for 5%Nitrogen, 13% Phosophorous and 13% Potassium usually in the form of Pot Ash. It is formulated for Tomato Plants.
Reply:Cow or horse manure tea is the safe est for the plants and doesn't hurt people either. Just don't git it from a dairy.

Next one that is safe for the plants is Miracle grow. If you half way follow directions it wont burn the plants.

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  • maybelline
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