Monday, January 30, 2012

How many cherry tomato plants can you have in one pot?

An oak barrel holds about three. They start out small but get large. Use a wire frame..believe me!

How many cherry tomato plants can you have in one pot?
we use one per large pot cause they really get big...use a tomato cage right away that way the plant will be able to have enough support...
Reply:Depends if it is a determinate or indeterminate type cherry tomato. Determinates grow to a certain size, stop and start producing flowers and fruit. Indeterminate continue to grow, flower, fruit. Determinates are good selections for containers, they are manageable; whereas indeterminates grow...and grow....and grow to where they become monsters. I've had them reach 10 feet tall......granted, in the ground, not a container. The container would tend to corral them....somewhat.

So if you are growing a determinate....yes, up to 3 in a very large pot or barrel may work fine. Indeterminate.....just 1.
Reply:If cared for properly 1. If the pot is bigger then maybe 30 gallons I might say 2. 1 Cherry tomato plant will produce enough cherry tomatoes to feed a small army, if you plant more then 1 in the pot, they will be smaller plants and will more then likely not produce any more tomatoes then 1 plant would. I put 3 cherry tomatoe plants in my garden last year and I had more tomatoes then my family of 4 and my office of 10 could eat.
Reply:it depends on the size of the pot but if it is a good sized pot then about 2-3 cherry tomato plants

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