Thursday, January 26, 2012

This is my first time growing tomato plants and all was going well until the leaves started to curl.?

I watered and fed the plants regularly fruit was in abundance,then the stems started to go black,so did the leaves and fruit and i lost the lot.any ideas?

This is my first time growing tomato plants and all was going well until the leaves started to curl.?
take the stems off below where the first flowers are budding ,any below are taking the goodness..
Reply:It's definitely Tomato blight. There is an awful lot of it about at the moment. Dig the affected plants up and burn them, check all the others on a daily basis for the blackened stems or mouldy fruits and dispose of them. Make sure you plant them in a different place next year and keep your eye on them.
Reply:It seems that it was attacked by tomato mite
Reply:maybe you shouldnt give so much water and fertilizer
Reply:You could either have over watered them or they could have a tomato disease. Try avoiding planting your tomatoes in the same spot year after year. The disease can get in the ground and contaminate your tomatoes from the ground. Also don't smoke around your tomatoes. There are diseases that tomatoes can get from tobacco that can hurt them.

To me, it sounds like they got a blight or disease of some sort.
Reply:Yup, they are getting too much water, and probably not on a regular schedule. had the same problem with mine after the water restrictions were put in place in our area, I ended up filling buckets to use on days there was no rain, and that I was not allowed to water. Also you can lightly much around them with some leaf matter to retain the moisture and it is best not to water them in the heat of the day , an early morning watering is best. Watering in the evening isn't always suggested, as the nights cool down somewhat , and the water may sit on the plants causing damage. and rot....
Reply:It's blight, the same as potatoes get. You can get some control by spraying with Bordeaux Mixture or Dithane, but it sounds as though your's have gone to far. Burn the plants and don't re-plant in the same soil with toms, spuds, or peppers for a couple of years if possible.

The wet "summer" has made the particularly bad this year.
Reply:it just needs more water and less heat
Reply:Not uncommon. You should get some toms, though.
Reply:Many tomato diseases, including curly top, mosaic, and fusarium, begin with rolling leaves. It is only if no other symptoms appear that you know it was just tomato leaf roll due to wet soil. 'Big Boy', 'Floramerica' and 'Beefsteak' are affected most often with leaf roll.

Another cause for leaf roll seems to be intense sunlight, which causes carbohydrates to accumulate in the leaves of some varieties.
Reply:It sounds to me that they have been over watered !, you can't water them when the sun is beating down on them.

Tomatoes are the type that like to be watered everyday at the same time

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