Sunday, January 22, 2012

What's wrong with my tomato plants?

The smaller branches have turned brown and dried up. However, there are still tomatoes growing on the plants--but hardly any leaves! What's happening?

What's wrong with my tomato plants?
Two possibilities, many types of tomato's are susceptible to wilt and mildew. It will start on the edges and tips of a perfectly healthy looking green leaf.

The edges and tips will start turning brown while the rest of the leaf looks healthy. The brown spreads to the entire leaf and then down the stems.

The other is possible cause is some tomato's are called determinate, which means they grow to a certain size or for a set time period and then die.

In either case tomato's will still be hanging on the vines after the plant dies.
Reply:Tomato leaves 'dislike water' on them! Although its a little difficult to stop the rain from wetting them.. but when you water.. only water at the base of the plant with a soaker hose, etc. They should still be OK for bearing fruit anyway.
Reply:Poor soil or inadequate amount of soil nutrients. Some purchases soils is terribly inadequate for potting. You must at something to hold moisture and release agent type of fertilizer. Pot grown tomatoes require extra care to insure adequate nutrients and water. Too much is as bad as too little. Follow directions carefully. Sounds like your plant is yielding fruit despite all the above being in place.
Reply:Either the soil is to sandy and they can't get enough to eat (buy some time release feed) or you have a walnut tree near by and they will not allow tomatoes to grow.
Reply:You may have any of a number of fungal leaf diseases going on here (ripe tomatoes from the plant are still safe to eat) or you may have heat damage or inadequate watering. At this point in the season, it's not worth it to try to rescue the plant, but it would be good to id the problem for next year.

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