Thursday, January 26, 2012

How do I know what type of tomato plant? Do all Tomato plants get flowers before tomato's?

Tomato plants do have flowers, that's where the tomato grows from, just like apple trees. The tomato grows from the center of the flower and the flower becomes the end of the tomato opposite of the stem end. They start out green and turn red or yellow as they mature depending on what kind they are. You pick them at the point of redness or yellowness that you want them and if you pick them with a little green on them, they will ripen after they are picked.

How do I know what type of tomato plant? Do all Tomato plants get flowers before tomato's?
Yes..they all get flowers first. The tomato comes from the flower. You wont know what kind of tomato plant until you get your first tomato.
Reply:yep, all have flowers first. Just wait and see!

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