Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Anyone have a dwarf tomato plant?

Should I be worried that after 60 days after being planted in a topsy turvy planter, my dwarf patio tomato isn't starting to blossom?

Growth has been quite minimal. I do not see any identifiable disease. It leaks a dark brown when I water it daily. (I live in a hot climate where it reaches 90 plus every afternoon so I am worried about it being too dry.)

Any suggestions, or should I just be more patient? Yes, this is the first time I tried this type of tomato plant. Anyone get a good harvest from a dwarf plant? What did you do?

Side note: Green pepper plant planted at same time in same type of planter is doing well and has a small fruit and many flowering buds.

Anyone have a dwarf tomato plant?
The temperatures are most likely the issue. Tomatos produce flowers when nighttime temps are between 60 and 70 (roughly). If your nights are not cooling down enough, your tomatos may not produce flowers, let alone set fruit. You may have to wait until your climate cools a bit.

I would think, since the soil is above the plant, that watering may produce a little runnoff down the plant. So the "dark brown leaking" doesn't sound weird at all.

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