Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Can tomato plants be up rooted back into 4" pots & replanted 21 days later. Roots still in the ball form.

I planted red lasoda potatos on feb. 14th. On the 1st of april they hadn't come up and we had lots of rain, so I suspected they had gone bad. So on April 2 I planted tomatos in the same rows, but had staggered the 3ft spacings. Low and behold the potatos started coming up between the tomato plants. These tomatos came in 6 packs (1" cups x 6). My question would bw.... can I dig up these tomatos and place in new 3" cups and replant after the potatos finish up in 3 weeks. Or should I count the potatos as a loss and leave the tomatos in. Or worse case... try harvesting the potatos around the tomatos... or would the soil shift put the tomatos in shock as I dug up the potatos in 3 weeks. If I count the potatos as a loss and didn't do anything, just let them rot under ground... would this do anything to the of the tomatos above.....

Can tomato plants be up rooted back into 4" pots %26amp; replanted 21 days later. Roots still in the ball form.
yes you can repot the tomatos, but i would use a larger container, as they will still be growing for the next 3 weeks, 3 " cups are not large enough, it will stunt their growth, as for the potatos, the ones i grow takes 90 days to mature, and that is too long a time for the tomatos to stay in the temporary pots , i m pretty sure yours will also , you need to check where you bought the seed potatos and see what their maturing time is what ever you do, don't try to dig potatos if you leave the tomatos, you will damage root system of the tomatos and thus kill them, if you leave the potatos to grow they will take away nutrient s from the tomatos and stunt their growth, either plant tomatos in another place or dig up the potatos and call it a loss on the potatos, and replant the tomatos
Reply:you can remove the plants without hurting them

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