Monday, February 13, 2012

How often do you remove suckers on a tomato plant?

How often should the lower leaves be removed on a tomato plant?

How often do you remove suckers on a tomato plant?
Just remove the suckers throughout the growing season as they are produced. As for removing the lower leaves, it's really not necessary.
Reply:Suckers should be removed as soon as they are big enough to be pinched off. For some reason my sister-in-law does not do this, and she complains that her toms don't do well. Hmm wonder why. If you leave the suckers on, they take the energy from the plant instead of it going to the toms. By the way, my sister-in-law has at least learned to stake them. whew thought she would never learn.

Good Luck and happy eating, toms off the vine, ymmm
Reply:I have never removed the lower leaves. I try to remove the suckers every day or two. I didn't keep up with that though and now I have one cherry tomato plant that is like seven feet tall and four feet wide. Because of my poor sucker maintenance it ONLY has like 200 tomatoes on it.
Reply:you don't need to take them off at all, just water daily and pick the tomatoes when ripe.
Reply:you need to remove them as soon as you find one.

they take away the energy from other part of the tomato plants.

for tamatoes

1. plant them deep

2. water them often

3. Remove all the suckers
Reply:I don't remove the lower leaves unless they turn yellow or look diseased. I check my tomato plants for suckers every day, seems like they spring up overnight. If I miss one I still break it off, no matter how big it's gotten. We always grow Supersonics and they get almost as big as a dollar bill is wide. I think they call them suckers because they'll literally suck the life out of the main plant if left on.

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