Wednesday, February 15, 2012

) Bethany is planting her summer garden. She has 16 tomato plants, 12 hot pepper plants, 9 green pepper plants


ur question is...?

) Bethany is planting her summer garden. She has 16 tomato plants, 12 hot pepper plants, 9 green pepper plants
37 plants altogether as a guess may need to modify question
Reply:¿What then is the problem? If there's none then let me create some with each a solution.

Total no. of plants:

= 16 + 12 + 9

= 37

Percentage of each plant to total no. of plants:

Tomato plants:

= 16/37 * 100%

= 43 9/37%

Hot pepper plants:

= 12/37 * 100%

= 32 16/37%

Green pepper plants:

= 9/37 * 100%

= 24 12/37

That's all I can think of so far.

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