Monday, February 13, 2012

What causes tomato plants to turn it leaves over altho we are watering twice day we live in souther ga.?

It sounds to me..sadly your have tomato blithe. It is a disease that attacks tomatoes unless you have planted some that are resistant to this disease. However even the resistant ones may be infected. There is little you can do this year, try to keep them going by cutting off infected leafs. Be very careful not to re-spread it from your gloves or hands. It is a spore type disease that is easily transferred.It will be very important to replant in a different location next time. The disease will remain in the soil for many years. You do not have to move your location to far...a few yards away will probably work. You may still get a few tomatoes from your plant but unfortunately it will now be a bumper crop. The decease is always fatal, just how long you can keep them going is only luck. be sure to discard these plants carefully as you pull them from your garden.

Next time you plant and by the way... it is prob. not too late to purchase some new plants, be sure to buy resistant one, if they are not labeled ask you local garden store expert. I feel for you. been discouraging! Hope things work out and you can get new plants in the ground.

Good luck...Grandma

What causes tomato plants to turn it leaves over altho we are watering twice day we live in souther ga.?
sounds like you have one of the many types of fungus that attract tomato vines. When you water do not get the leafs wet this may help
Reply:Tomatoes need to go through a cycle of watered to dry. They only need about an inch of water per week. Give them a good watering and leave them alone for a few days. If the plants are in containers, put a carpet protector underneath them and leave water in it to help kepp them from drying out to fast.

Inspect for fungus and pests. Treat if necessary but most nursery plants and seeds are disease resistant varieties.

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