Monday, February 13, 2012

If you touch your tomato plant leaves and you are a smoker does the nicotine on your hands kill them?

I am a smoker and I have a small allotment obviously aswell as all the usual things I'm growing tomato plants, I am a smoker and after putting out my cigarette I was about to start sorting my tomato plants and I was told to wash my hands first for the above reason I honestly don't believe it bt it is bothering me thank you

If you touch your tomato plant leaves and you are a smoker does the nicotine on your hands kill them?
Tobacco Mosaic Virus, or TMV is a virus which affects many plants. I can be transmitted from your hands after handling tobacco or other infected plants. I am a smoker and have grown/handled tomato plants for many years and have never seen a case of transmission this way. Tobacco farmers do not want TMV in their fields either, so the infection, while not exactly rare, is not common either. You are much more likely to find TMV (or other virus) infection due to natural transmission by insects.
Reply:It CAN Kill them less the have been vaccinated (bred to be immune) against it, the Disease is called "Tobacco Mosaic Virus Disease"

"The most common sources of virus inoculum for tobacco mosaic virus are the debris of infected plants that remains in the soil and certain infected tobacco products that contaminate workers hands. Cigars, cigarettes, and pipe tobaccos can be infected with tobacco mosaic virus. Handling these smoking materials contaminates the hands, and subsequent handling of plants results in a transmission of the virus. Therefore, do not smoke while handling or transplanting plants"
Reply:LOL Take it from a 35 year Smoker NO it will not kill your plants.I have been planting Tomato's and a Garden about all my life and have never lost even one Plant cause I have smoke around them.I agree though that it is a nasty and bad habit (and a hard one to quit)but no it wont kill your Garden!Oh i am also and Landscaper and have never seen a plant that I have planted die from my smoke either.OH mannn I'm ROFL Good Luck with your Garden and Enjoy the Crop of Your Labor.
Reply:Don't forget that a plant is a living thing that needs fresh air, sun, water, and TLC. I've never heard in my 15 years experience of a tomato plant dying because of nicotine on your hands, but blow smoke on a tomato plant (I don't why tomato plants are so sensitive) and it will die.
Reply:There is a chance that it can hurt them, but nothing compared to what smoking is doing to your lungs or to people around you, especially if you have children. Fresh tomatoes are healthy, so why not chuck the cigs? Clean lungs and fresh tomatoes! AHHHH!
Reply:Most modern tomato hybrids are not affected by tobacco mosaic.
Reply:No but it does cause tobacco virus! Don't smoke out there! They are not the only plants affected by that! Tobacco Virus can kill them,and is very hard to get rid of.
Reply:no,but cigarretes can kill you!

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