Monday, February 13, 2012

Why is the fruit on my tomato plant rotting while it's still green?

I'm growing a beefsteak-type tomato plant called a "Parks Whopper" on the south-facing balcony of my apartment. It's in a medium-sized pot, gets plenty of sun, gets watered every other day, and fed "Miracle Grow" every other week. The plant itself looks healthy and is nearly four feet tall and is well staked. I even added crushed egg shells to the hole when planting it to avoid blossom rot. But so far, every tomato that's formed is turning black on the bottom of the fruit and rotting from the outside in while the fruit is still green, hard, and about the size of a ping-pong ball. What's going wrong and how can I turn it around; me and my waiting, tomato-less cheeseburgers want to know!

Why is the fruit on my tomato plant rotting while it's still green?
Blossom End Rot .. luckily.. you can treat it.. go to your local greenhouse or garden center. But you will lose the fruit that have it already.
Reply:i worked at a greenhouse for two years.. we were always happy to help! Good luck!! Report Abuse

Reply:It could be bugs???
Reply:You're either watering them too much or your putting too much Miracle Grow on them. I had a very similar problem and my dad (aka: "Miracle Grower") said I was watering too much. I began watering about twice a week and it worked.
Reply:It's called bloom end can go to walmart and get something to spray on the blossoms before the bud out called

Tomato Bloow Green light. It works great and it's about $6.00 a bottle.
Reply:did you recently transplant it? and if not did you give it too much plant food... if you transplanted it it could be rootrot or it gone into shock (itd b limp if in shock) and if its too much plantfood then flush the soil
Reply:Birds got into it probably.
Reply:You are overwatering the plant. That or they are overripe.
Reply:Too much water and Miracle Grow.
Reply:My guess is that it has some type of disease, or possibly maybe it is not in enough sunlight or in a dry enough atmosphere to develop properly. I do know that they require plenty of sunlight.

Best of luck!!!

There is nothing much better than a yummy, fat, juicy, cheeseburger topped off with homemade tomato's!

; )
Reply:Because that's how life is.
Reply:The plant is getting too much water.The plant also needs to be staked and supported to where the fruit hangs from the vine off of the ground.

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