Friday, February 3, 2012

What is a good homemade nontoxic solution to kill insects on my tomato plants?

OK -for Aphids, a solution of Natural Dish Soap (about a tablespoon in water - add it to the water) sprayed on the plants works. Make sure you read the ingredients, though, because using something that is mildly toxic may make you sick, and anything that is colored (especially green or yellow) can interfere with photosynthesis. Spray it on using the mist (not stream) setting, and do this every couple of days if you have a real problem, or after each rain.

For Slugs -the beer trick really does work!!! I just put a bottle which I all-but-finished from the night before on the ground near the plants, partially planted so it is at an angle and the lip of the bottle is slightly "up" but just barely above ground level - they have to be able to climb in.

The best thing to do is get "Heritage" tomatoes specifically grown for your area, because they are naturally developed to wtihstand bugs/blights. Talking to a nursery or a farm supply should get you enough information as to what is local, but this may need to be done next year. My Heritage Cascades (in Washington) grew beautifully, more than I could eat, and all I did was water it occassionally in July and August.

What is a good homemade nontoxic solution to kill insects on my tomato plants?
do NOT plant marigolds near your tomatoes. Spray your tomatoes with soapy water
Reply:I saw a thing on TV about a young boy who used baby powder to keep ants out of his house. His family didn't believe in killing any animals of any kind. Maybe try that.
Reply:if you have slugs in your tomatos then the best thing ive found is beer. take a can of beer and put it in a pie tin from a stroe bought pie and set it in the middle of your tomatos. set out a few of them. the slugs will go to the beer and die in a blissful alcohol insduced stupor.

if you have aphids. we always sparayed for them.
Reply:soapy water and beer.
Reply:vinegar,a few drops of dishsoap and water in a spray bottle
Reply:Try planting, Basil, Garlic,and Marigolds, around your tomatos...Marigolds, repel aphids, and rabbits...Basil, repels unwannted flying critters(plus the tomatos take up some of the Basil, flavor...yum) and garlic is just a good plant tonic...
Reply:Hello Michael D. If you have Aphids on tomatos, then soapy dishwash liquid is fine. I discovered two good things.One is cigarette stubs soaked in a pail of water.Spray on insects. The other is boiled garlic water. Let it cool, then spray.Other than that pick the insects off with a cotton bud. Good Luck!

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